Monday, 14 July 2008

No Country For Old Tropical Robots (Can't say that's not original)

Monday, 14 July 2008
On Tuesday the 19 February 2008, I went to see No Country for Old Men. As soon as I got home I wrote noted for a review on my white board and wrote a quick blog post about how amazing it was. It was not until today that I actually finished my review, 5 months after I started. I’ve even written other reviews since then, strange. Anyhoo my review is now available on Amateur Critic Reviews.

Around a week ago, I got an email from the Times about a free preview of Wall-E showing yesterday. I immediately signed up for 4 tickets (the maximum) as all the internet buzz about it got me quite excited. I first heard about it in my January issue of Empire, they did a showcase of the top films that would be coming out this year. I ignored it at this point, it failed to grab me. However, as soon as I started to see clips on the internet I was hooked. Anyhoo, it was great! I saw it with my brother, sister and cousin, I would go so far as to say that it is the best Pixar film so far. Unlike most Pixar films, there was a clear dark undercurrent allowing the film to work on 2 levels. I wrote a review of it too. I’ve certainly been busytoday.

A film I’ve mentioned previously is Tropic Thunder, a war movie farce starring Ben Stiller, jack Black and Robert Downey Jr. I’ve been following this online for months and have been wondering how I will manage to wait until September to see it. The solution, I won’t see it in September! They’re holding previews of it in August and I’ve made It my mission to se it. I presently have no cash, this will of course be rectified after a trip to the bank. The seats are selling fast so I may have to sort this out tomorrow. Here’s a nice Wall-E clip to take up some space, In mean. for your viewing pleasure.


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