Tuesday, 18 March 2008

More Blogging

Tuesday, 18 March 2008
I stopped blogging on Original Pirate Photography some time ago because I wasn't really taking pictures anymore, I even deleted the blog. Recently, I opened the it again. This was the first tine I was really happy that I had Melting the Pot. I was able to retrieve the html codes of all the pictures so I didn't have to upload all of them again. Phew! Anyhoo, although I'm not really taking pictures anymore, I still edit and manipulate pictures so it's these that I put on Original Pirate Photography. Then came my ingenious idea for a new blog. I manipulate pictures using Gimp and a lot of the sites and tutorials for creating different effects are for Photoshop. So, I made a new blog on how to create different effects using Gimp. Tutorial 1: Creating that iPod ad effect. You made have noticed that I used this on my previous post (if you didn't, I don't mind, it's not like you've hurt my feelings of anything like that). Anyway, if you wish to learn how to do some snazziness using Gimp, check out Bring in the Gimp.


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