Friday, 6 June 2008

Na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na [Insert word here] Man!

Friday, 6 June 2008
Last Sunday brought us the MTV Movie Awards of 2008 which I must say was a jolly good watch. The MTV Movie Awards are probably the only awards I’ve watched every year for like, the last 7 years. They’re always fun. There were two highly notable sketches this year, some were a bit blah, but these two were awesome. Mike Myers and Dana Carvey reprised their roles as Wayne Campbell and Garth Algar for sketch giving the top 10 porno names based on films of 2008. My intention was to provide a YouTube video of this, unfortunately, the video is no longer available. The other awesome sketch was a promotional video for Tropic Thunder; I found that one.

When they showed that on Monday, they missed quite a few bits of it, damn MTV. Oh well. Hehe, “It’ll do…until Dark Knight comes out”. It appears to be the consensus that Dark Knight will be better than Iron Man. This may turn out be true, but I know right now that that I personally will prefer Iron Man, I’ll probably only watch Dark Nigh once. My reasoning for this is the same reasoning for why I rarely watch Tim Burton’s Batman, I don’t; like clowns. They freak me out more than anything else and Batman confirms my theory; clowns are evil. Iron Man will be the more enjoyable film for me.

Speaking of the Dark Knight, I was watching Batman Begins, which I downloaded on iTunes. Yes, you can now download movies on iTunes. I feel this was geared towards people like me who aren’t bothered go out to rent films at Blockbusters and don’t want to receive random films that they may want to watch at some point through Love Film. Today, I felt like watching Batman Begins because honestly, I don’t remembered what happened. It’s taking much longer to download than I thought it would. I watched around an hour and a half of it while it was downloading but now, it needs to continue for a while. I never realised how good Cillian Murphy was, this may have been because I had no frame of reference for him when I watched Batman Begins initially. Ummm, I think I can go back to watching it now but before I go, here’s some thing everyone can enjoy, except maybe the Coulrophobics.


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