Wednesday, 30 January 2008

I Give The Godfather 1 out of 10

Wednesday, 30 January 2008
Being the movie nerd that I am, I spend a huge amount of time on Naturally I turn my attention to the message boards. Unfortunately, this is often a rather unpleasant experience. There is always someone who goes into a message board starts a thread with an ingenious name such as "This film is so rubbish" and then never returns. They give no justification for their comments, why? Because they probably have none. They're too simple minded to realise that they are watching a cinematic masterpiece (yes you imperfectpete from the Pan's Labyrinth Boards) .

A great thing you can do with imdb is look at the distribution of the ratings given by the users. 15533 people have rated The Godfather 1 out of 10. 1 out of 10? The Godfather? I am most certainly not the hugest fan of The Godfather but I can appreciate that it is a masterpiece. Few films are a 1 out of 10 except maybe Trees 2: The Root of All Evil (I'll get back to that).

I have the great honour of being a female under the age of of 18. This demographic seems to give out the most ridiculous ratings conceivable. The average rating of Rashômon for females under 18 is 2.7. Rashômon is a masterpiece and it is shocking that they cannot realise this. Many see subtitles and think "Oh no, it's foreign". Fools I tells ya!

Now, for your reading pleasure the plot synopsis for Trees 2: The Root of All Evil:
As Christmas approaches, Ranger Cody prepares to do battle with an army of carnivorous trees that may be from a special branch of the ominous National Forest Service.

Good Times


Rae said...

Oh My Gosh! Blasphemy! The Godfather 1 out of 10? Outrageous I tell you... But then again, it was probably voted for by the same people who gave High School Musical 10 out of 10.

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