I'm sure that many may have a noble and respectable reason why they blog. I have no such reason. I have had no work to do for the past few days BUT, as soon as I received a piece of work (which must say I've put off for some time) I've started to blog again. My blogging is a means of procrastination, good times. It would be a bit more impressive if I said things a bit wiser than I actually do. I'll say something really interesting at some point. The next blog will be on Podcasts-I promise. (damn, now it's down in electronic ink). Seriously, a really good blog next time. Anyhoo, befor the end of the day I nee

d to somehow write a psychology essay, complete around one months worth of work and answer some trigonometry questions.
As you may have guessed from the blog title, this blog has something to do with Daniel Day-Lewis. Why? Because he's cooler than liquid nitrogen, that's why. Mr Day Lewis just won the BAFTA for best actor which he most certainly deserved. Daniel Day-Lewis doesn't get nearly enough credit as he deserves despite the fact (yes fact) that Daniel Day-Lewis is one of the best actors in Britain. So that's me, speaking of the greatness that is Daniel Day-Lewis. Could I
say Daniel Day-Lewis any more?
Check out the new blog from Rae aka Rae Charles
http://vodkachurchsatan.blogspot.com/. She's a psycho, really, meaning that her blogs a jolly good read.
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