Monday, 18 February 2008

Sitting on the chair in my room...wastin' time

Monday, 18 February 2008
Okay, it the first day of half term, I intended to do so much today. Star off with some maths, do a bit of a sociology essay, then some psychology revision. I did some maths then sat in this chair to star typing the essay. I haven't even opened Microsoft Word. I'm meant to be going to the cinema at five to finally see No Country for Old Men. So, the day is practically gone. Shame on me.

I haven't really done nothing. I've written one blog (see below) and completelr re-vamped one of the other blogs (Amateur Critic Reviews ch-ch-ch-check it out). That took considerably longer than the re-vamping of this one.

Time to get ready. Goodbye Horses.


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