Well I did it. I finally saw No Country For Old Men. It is a master piece and I would go so far as to say this it was effing awesome. Oh my gosh the lighting. Oh my gosh the sound. Oh my gosh the acting. Oh my gosh, that’s how it ended. Wow. I’m not too sure how to convey how great the film was in words. It is my intention to review it at some point, naturally, during the course of the film my little review points made into my head. I got home and put my white board to use. See below:

Roger Deakins is the king of cinematography. I just need to see Juno, There Will be Blood and The Diving Bell and the Butterfly to gauge what film, in my opinion, was the best picture of 2008. I know what you’re thinking-didn’t she write her Oscar predictions including best picture already? Damn right I did, but that is very easy to do without watching the films. I must say that watching No Country For Old Men has made it even harder to predict a winner. I don’t think I’ve given No Country… enough time so I will get back to it tomorrow. The sister want to use the computer.
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