Sunday, 17 February 2008

Bring in the Gimp

Sunday, 17 February 2008
Now, back to my usual drivel. I changed my browser from Internet Explorer (crap) to Opera. I was going to go for Firefox but I prefer Opera more. And….I have no more drivel. Ooo, noticed the new layout? It took me 15 minutes to design the title image but an additional 20 minutes to get it to fit inside the frame thing. I ended up using Gimp (not the guy from Pulp Fiction) to simply shrink the image. Duh (!) Gimp is what I like to call free Photoshop. It’s got loads of the features of Photoshop and you can even download new brushes. I’ve only really succeeded in using it for reasonably simply tasks but I’ll continue to play with it and become a master, yeah boi.


Design by Pocket Distributed by Deluxe Templates