Saturday 5 April 2008

Living Well is the best Revenge

Saturday 5 April 2008
REM are back! A few days ago iTunes had a free download of their new video “Living Well is the Best Revenge” and it’s reasonable entertaining. It’s not the flashing lights and robots we’ve come to see from Kanye West videos, it simply one camera shooting as the band play the song in a car. Evidence that they always sound as they do when recorded.

It’s Bette Davis’ 100th birthday today. She’s mothers favourite actress. I heard on TCM that they’d be playing some of her films in cinemas this month as a celebration so I tried to find out where and when. Unfortunately. I found out today that they’re being played none other that today. It’s a bit short notice so it looks like I won’t be going. Oh well.

Ooo, I found an amazing game today. Well, it was one of Empire's timewasters of the week. It's called Boomstick.


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